Practice Areas

Business Development and M&A

Terceiro Setor

Energy Sector

Internacional Business

Investment Funds And Structured Financial Transactions

Project Financing And Structuring

Competition Law

Electoral Law

Succession Planning


Foreign Investment

Real Estate Law

Bankruptcy Law And Reorganization Of Companies

Intellectual Property

Consumer Law

Civil Law

Labor Law

Administrative Law

Mining Law

Environmental Law

Legal Auditing And “Due Diligence”

Corporation Law


Tax Consultancy

Tax Law

Legal Auditing And “Due Diligence”

Coordination and execution of legal auditing in order to verify and indicate contingent liabilities, including, if necessary, the legal performance evaluation of specific or general company cases of a company, analyzing the technical/legal quality of the follow up in judicial and administrative lawsuits, active and/or adjourned.

Coordination and execution of due diligences in the course of corporate transactions (merger, incorporation, acquisition and spin-off), external investment, financing, corporate reorganization, succession planning, among others, including advice in the preparation of data rooms (physical or virtual).
